Work & creations of art by Maxim Sukharev

Maxim Sukharev is a Russian historian & artist born in 1978 in Siberia, near Lake Baikal, whose work & creations are representations of Slavic mythology using paintings, sketching & digital art; research data is obtained to combine it with a primitive perception of the world. It is a mixture of ethnographic primitivism.

The fascinating & unique aspect of this kind of art is the non-mimetic, synthetic & abstract representations; it is petty original & very difficult to comprehend. There is a unique interest in the presence of myth & rituals related to his art, dreams & unconsciousness, whereby, Sukharev uses all of this influence to capture the Slavic’s culture perceptions of the world in his creations, inspiring himself in the primitive culture, the social arrangements & ways of thinking.


The Slavs are the largest Indo-European ethno-linguistic group in Europe. They are native to Central Europe, Eastern Europe, South-eastern Europe, North-eastern Europe, North Asia, Central Asia and West Asia. Slavs speak Slavic languages of the Balto-Slavic language group & they share several characteristics at different degrees, cultural features & historical backgrounds. From the early 6th century they spread to inhabit most of Central, Eastern and South-eastern Europe. Currently half of the European territory is inhabited by communities who speak Slavic languages.  Little is known from the Slavs before the Byzantine records from the 6th century, & most of what we know about them before that time period comes from archaeological& linguistic studies. The Byzantine authors referred to the Slavs as “Sclaveni” from Latin which is interpreted as Slav Lands.


East Slavs:

  • Belarusian culture
  • Russian culture
  • Ruthenian culture
  • Ukrainian culture

South Slavs:

  • Bosnian culture
  • Bulgarian culture
  • Croatian culture
  • Macedonian culture (Slavic)
  • Serbian culture
  • Slovenian culture

West Slavs:

  • Czech culture
  • Kashubian culture
  • Lusatian culture
  • Polabian culture
  • Polish culture
  • Silesian culture
  • Slovak culture
  • Sorbian culture

The beauty of his art is the combination of field research from such a complex & difficult to define topic, there exists a lack of records & the excessive influence of a variety of Slavic cultures. Like Sukharev mentions in his personal blog, he is still on a journey to try to interpret the world with the primitive perception of these cultures where he will find his identity & unique style, however, he appreciates the culture’s spirituality & heart, he does not see it as an object, he tries to put himself in a reality context which might seem as an unexplainable, magical or even poetic. The simple fact of immersing himself in such a world, allows him to open doors to new creations using ideas, the interpretation of the mind & emotions, articulating his hands to manifest such creations in unique pieces of art.

All of the images shown in this post are property & authorship of Sukharev. This writing does not do any justice to describe it, so, if you wish to know & see more of his work, check it out for yourselves and visit the following links:

IMPORTANT SUGGESTION: Visit his Blogspot & use google translate to read the whole page which is in Russian, & you will get the opportunity to have a glimpse & try to understand his creations through the eyes of the author, with brief descriptions of each creation.


Vesemir. Blogspot. Sukharev.

Deviantart. Gallery. Sukharev.

Slavs. Ancient History Encyclopedia. Cristian Violatti. September 10, 2014.

Slavs. Wikipedia English.

Pueblos Eslavos. Wikipedia Español.

List of Slavic Cultures. Wikipedia English.

Primitivismo en el arte moderno. Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona. Instituto Universitario de Cultura.

Presentación. Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona. Centro Investigador en Arte Primitivo y Primitivismo

4 thoughts on “Work & creations of art by Maxim Sukharev

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  1. These works and illustrations are stunning. Myths are part of Slavic culture, same as Greek myths. Checkout also common understanding project, Slavs must understand each other: Ove prace i ilustracje su cudovne. Mity Slovanov su castu slovanskej kultury tak samo jak mity grecke. Oвe прaцe и илустрaцє су цудoвнe. Миты Слoвaнoв су цaсту слoвaнскeй културы тaк сaмo як миты грeцкe.


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