We all pay for the misbehavior of a few

There is a saying in Mexico called “Por unos pagamos todos”, it is a little complicated to translate but the closest equivalent I can come up with is “We all pay for the misbehavior of a few”. I don’t know how these kind of situations vary in other countries but… sometimes I think that too many senseless laws, rules or regulations exist.

Is it possible that people are starting to perceive trust as something out of style or unrealistic?

I think this is due to a trust abuse (selfishness) by some people, that’s why “We all pay for the misbehavior of a few” is an idea that has been stuck in my mind lately.

I wish we could all get along, leave aside prejudice based on gossip stereotypes. If ethics were present we wouldn’t need so many regulations, it is sophistry to think that since something isn’t literally forbidden it is permitted. This shouldn’t be an argument… we are losing the ability to distinguish between right & wrong. Situations have been becoming “relative” & this is starting to worry/scare me.

What is considered wrong is trying to justify its actions.

According to me?

According to the law?

According to God?

Who taught us the difference between right & wrong? Ask yourself

Some would say our families, society, the government or divinity. We are trapped in a self justified relativism; something that is perceived as wrong becomes, right?, the concerning aspect is that in some cases this ignorance or omission is done intentionally. An elaborate manipulation which generates a convenient empathy & for brief milliseconds it generates an elusive trust.

What is wrong becomes right when you argue that we are not comprehensive enough.

Is this the legal loophole of trust abuse?

Has ethics been hacked?

We’ve lost ourselves in an intense worrisome manner & the worst part is that we allow it, it has become normal, this is our new habit & we don’t get outraged because of our lack of involvement in decision making. Most of us are exhausted to fight for what is right. I perceive an illusion of authority with corrupt evidence that ignores our forgotten “human values”. They want to please everybody with a supposed “freedom” & they even argue with feelings such as “love”.

I’m alarmed to live in a world where nobody can distinguish clearly right from wrong, let’s describe some examples:

Example #1

Killing is wrong, we argue that to eat & survive killing animals is right only if we are going to eat them. We kill to sell food & death becomes a product, although, when it is not sold we throw it into the trash because it didn’t generate a profit, & people can’t  live for free because it is wrong. It seems that the economic context is more important than what is right. Is greed present?

Example #2

Abortion (a polemic & complicated topic, let’s use it as an example), corrective actions want to be implemented to argue that abortion should be legal & this means that killing is right depending on the context. I know this does not concern me, but I’ve heard that an abortion is right if you were raped. Although, we should work on making people much more aware that rape is wrong & this way we prevent ourselves of thinking about killing aborting. A sexual education without taboos would prevent unwanted pregnancies, we wouldn’t have to discuss about aborting or not aborting. We should invest in ethics to prevent & not to correct.

We can’t live doing everything we desire, NO!!!

Example #3

Now they want to justify that pedophilia is love, NO!!!, It’s not right! WHAT IS HAPPENING? Love is self sacrifice for others wellbeing, they sell tantrums philias under the argument of love. Love is giving without expecting something in return, it shouldn’t be conceivable to take advantage of others lack of experience who only know how to live based on impulses, when you live based on pleasure one does not know self-control, frustration & pain is not known. 

I don’t want to live in a world with a negative YOLO philosophy when people live affecting others with a possible collateral damage. We should be positive YOLO’s, we only live once, so let’s do what is right for love leaving selfishness aside, let’s love others in a pure & spiritual way, let us search for love by serving others & not by pleasure. If it’s only pleasure it’s not love, love sometimes hurts, giving up our selfishness & obsession is what hurts or, do we think it hurts? We are missing love. What I want to say is… we lack Ethics & genuine love.

Empathy is the answer, it manifests a love that doesn’t affect others, it seeks their wellbeing. Love with the help of empathy serves others & consequently a common good. Living is complicated, please, we shouldn’t complicate it even more. Take a moment to reflect & speak in a healthy way about what is right & wrong (good & evil).

Thanks to evil we know what is good, it gives us a reference & makes us aware of how we want to live or who we want to be. Let’s stop being neglectful & start being responsible for our actions.

I wish you a nice day dear reader, take care & I wish you good.


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