About the site

With a perspective of training in the area of exact sciences, the author immerses himself inside of different subjects and personal interests, hoping to obtain a more interdisciplinary perspective of his environment, for which he makes use of scientific, philosophical, artistic and emotional analysis to interpret it.

Within the field of engineering it is quite rare that we analyze inside the class room a word, a concept, a methodology or a tool. In my experience there is only one definition in most cases and that is taken as absolute. In the case of Mexico there is no need or interest by the teachers to dedicate at least one class to analyze basic aspects that allow an understanding through the use of reasoning such as:

  • What was the necessity and the background?
  • Why such name is used for the discipline or methodology?
  • How can we apply what we have learned in our daily lives or at work to solve problems?

At the end of the day, the classes were used only to meet & not to learn, most of the teachers lacked the vocation to know more and above all to teach, which in essence is their raison d’être (reason to be) within the institution. They serve as trainers, but something is missing.

Unfortunately, the excess of specialization that occurs in all disciplines had a high price, they have all isolated themselves within their own reality or in this case training discipline.  Blurred by their vocabulary, beliefs & desire of not leaving their areas of understanding. Have they lost the interest in establishing communication between each other or they isolated themselves in their vision of life?

It is the multidisciplinarity the one that allows use to see the world with other eyes & realize that nobody has the absolute truth, we all have only perspectives which are translated into paths that interpret & provide solutions. There is a current demand for interdisciplinarity, however, many try to be interdisciplinary without being multidisciplinary. How to expect to generate interdisciplinarity if nothing is known beyond specialization?. These are the questions we should ask ourselves because they open the mind, they put us in a constant state of open mind, acceptance of new ideas & ways of doing things. This way of thinking encourages creativity.

How to see our surroundings with other eyes? We must be creative and make our own eyes see new things. This is where the Philosophical Engineering is born. Starting with myself. It may sound very ideal or ambitious the message on the header of this site:

 “A place where science, philosophy, art & everything that opens the heart and mind bump into each other”

I want to build a reality where such thing is possible, it is my vision where I want to get go. I will accomplish this by means of objectives such as: (1) the creation of my first blog in Spanish “Ingeniería Filosófica”, (2) translating its content to English on this site, (3) publication of its contents, (4) dissemination & (5) analysis and solution of obstacles or future goals undertaken in This personal project fueled by my curiosity, inspiration and imagination.

This site defines the Philosophical Engineering as:

“The use of your whole being through your mental faculties, skills, intellect, literary or poetic talent & inspiration combined with the desire to create that encourages the construction or reinforcement of your vision of life in search of wisdom”

Inspire - Philosophical Engineering

NOTE: The logo was designed in collaboration with Gioia Francesca P. and is owned by the Philosophical Engineering site.

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