Work & creations of art by Maxim Sukharev

Maxim Sukharev is a Russian historian & artist born in 1978 in Siberia, near Lake Baikal, whose work & creations are representations of Slavic mythology using paintings, sketching & digital art; research data is obtained to combine it with a primitive perception of the world. It is a mixture of ethnographic primitivism. The fascinating &... Continue Reading →

Hope of connection

With every fall and every agony comes the growth from the painful heart, the new hope seems to lean out from the sun in the horizon, a connection where both of us are composed of that growth. As always, the path is uncertain but the sensation is unique… I emanate life, love and hope to... Continue Reading →

Santizo Visuals

In the depths of Youtube there exists a not very well known jewel of visual art, it is a channel called Santizo Visuals which contains very peculiar videos. If you are a type of person with the desire to grasp the complexity of unpredictable videos to the edge of epileptic attacks along with explosions, sensual... Continue Reading →

Growth from the painful heart

I have noticed that each time that there is pain in the heart you grow as an individual. This portrait represents how we are connected to earth, but even when we nurture from it… somehow or sometimes we feel so alienated in those moments of great pain. That pain makes you grow into a bigger... Continue Reading →

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